I know with recent events cancellations it has been hard to reconnect with our friends and motorcycles, but in this stillness, I thought about reflecting. It made me think about the absence of events and missing out. And just like that, that dear motorcycle FOMO (FEAR OF MISSING OUT) strikes like a punch in the stomach like that of an early 1960’s “Batman” episode.
With COVID, swift wings of disappointment to all that were hopeful for a fun event packed summer of 2020. What a buzzkill fear plays on the event. I mean, who is really going to reach into that cooler and not think of million of hands that had been in there before.
Linking COVID to missed bike events is easy. But what is moto FOMO made from? What fibers connect out psyche of fun-loving events with friends or being by yourself.
It makes me ask the question, are we hooked into our phones? Events mean being around people, sharing fun and usually showing off on the bike process we built. Other times, I see people (and myself) sunken into our technology or posting immediately what would be cool. Some of us look forward to our summer events all winter. But at what costs? But it made me look a little deeper. I think it also unraveled a little bit of a deeper hole in society’s soul. (and blessed are those who ABSOLUTELY do not care about social media. Teach me your ever loving, “living off the grid” ways. Really, I could see myself living off a mountain with goats, chickens, and choppers)
Are we now so intertwine in the depths of social media that it rules us? Is it possible to break away and not feel the urgency of having to repost to have your friends see what we are doing? I cannot knock social media totally. I mean, it is a part of what we do. It is how we share our stories of travels. Because of the internet, the Snake Shaker has a blog that you are kind enough to be reading, while probably on the toilet.🚽🚽🚽
And hell, it has brought friendships together and linked people who are like minded to events like the ones we love. Sometimes I do look at my newsfeed and wonders who owns my phone. A fifty-something-old -man, that enjoys choppers and butts. I have a lot of lady butts that come up on my feed, and occasionally, my own cheeks. I am not complaining, the chopper lifestyle is about freedom. Freedom to express who you are, or body parts (heh). Maybe it’s more about “not caring” the ultimate 1960’s rebellion of the “man” sticking it to the “government” or the version of a woman who burns her bra at the idea of being “held back” by restrictions and obtain the right to be free.
Could it be hobbies? jumping on the bike and having no set destination and just a full tank of gas? Or could it be grabbing the tent and sleeping bag and going into the wild where you wake up with the Sun and fall asleep with the Moon, only to carry the phone as a layer of comfort in case of an emergency.
We all look for reprieve from life. as of lately I have been studying some Ayurvedic practices and introduced yoga into my life, and I'm not going to push that on anybody but I do want to share, that when were unhappy with parts of our lives we tend to numb out with substitutes. Substitutes like drinking, mindless snacking/overeating, technology binging and Netflix watching. I’m sure with events being cancelled, we have more of an excuse to look at our phones and wish we were surrounded by people. Also, constant updates from media and news... kind of, well, feels like things are not getting any better. That depression and FOMO steeping into the cracks of our wishful thinking. As I mentioned in my last post, maybe this is just the chance to make ourselves and our bikes BETTER. Learn more, Take deeper looks at ourselves. We get so focused on what made us disappointed, but maybe we should give thanks to the people of trying to keep us safe. Let’s give thanks to those who are making really hard decisions (and knowingly, they will be met with disappointment and unhappy people) but these event creators are trying to do the right thing, which is keep us safe.
BUT MAN, that does not mean you can’t still go camping. That does not mean you can’t grab that tent and sleeping bag, jump on your bike and spend time with yourself. (THE BEST COMPANY OF ALL TIME) we still have access to the great DIVINE (NATURE) which is all around us. Freedom is in our hearts; we just use the motorcycles to get to it.
I have had an incredible Yogi experience where my teacher (@yogicselfcare Catiebelle Bulmer) has taught me so many valuable lessons that I've been applying to my life, and then I feel so is important to share with the blog. Live in the NOW. You can take your eyes to so MANY beautiful landscapes, but in the end, it isn’t the landscapes, it’s the eyes that see what they want to. Unhook the brain and take technology in moderation. Vibe on a higher creative level, now is the time to make modifications to your bike. Get on the bikes, just because events are canceled, do not let it sink your ship. Take the bike out and ride to yourself and a better mindset. Think about how groovy next year will be.