Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Hi Guys!
We FIRED🔥🔥🔥 up the Snake Shaker! It was such an experience and to hear those fishtails roar... my heart was racing. Hearing that motor turn over was intense. It was a really cool moment in the garage. Twisting that throttle while up on the lift felt surreal.

Cal dedicated two days to rewire the bike. He trimmed quite a bit out that I really didn't need or find necessary. Kickstand sensor, clutch sensor etc. Kept the wiring as simple as possible.

When I took her out for the first time, my heart was thumping in my chest. I was nervous not to fumble. I have this intense fear of messing up in front of people and looking like a fool. I was a little bit of a baby deer, especially with the new buckhorn handlebars that I wasn’t yet used to. (Hefner has much lower handlebars)

After a bit of the initial “shock” wore off, things started to feel comfortable and really good. This moment I can’t explain, things were just incredibly smooth. I felt like I was sitting in a sofa chair. I was IN the bike, not ON it. Suddenly, every fleetwood mac song played in my brain and I remembered the very reason of building the bike. To feel free and be one with the road. A feeling I never felt before on any bike ever or even as a passenger. I felt so connected to the road. 

This is me.. crying a million tears of happiness, connecting to mom in heaven, adoring nature of NJ and being with the people that I love so damn much. My heart is happy and I welded my soul into this machine that is my horse. thank you @bengottheinsta59fl for capturing this moment of pure bliss. thank you @retrofitcycleworks for encouraging me to be me and free.

Ben snapped this picture and I feel like it sums up my soul. After the first ride was over, we sat in lawn chairs and talked about how far we all have come in this process. I'm really happy with the progress of the bike.

So happy, I almost didn't have the heart to tear it apart for paint. We are on the home stretch with @babesrideout approaching.


I decided on the whole bike being painted gold because it is what I see every time I close my eyes and envision my fire breathing horse. I also see gold as my soul color. It’s such a magical color. It reminds me a lot of Stevie Nicks, maybe even a little “Gold Dust Woman”. A lot of early Easyrider magazines I saw had bright painted colors, so vivid and vibrant. I also feel it’s important for safety to be SEEN (bright colors) and HEARD (pipes). I feel really great about my bike.

With Babes coming up next week, I have butterflies in my stomach, but I'm super stoked. I'm holding a prebabes party at my house, sage, Fleetwood Mac and my favorite ladies.